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I have a master's in journalism and I am highly unstable. But enough about me. How are you?

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Circle of Academic Dilemma

What does the title of this post mean?

It means that a bizarre merry-go-round that exists within America's school system might be the reason why the majority of our schools are in such deep trouble. A survey involving prinicpals from elementary and secondary schools in the U.S. says that nine out of ten prinicipals say that graduates from college and universities don't have what it takes to handle today's classrooms.

Nearly 80 percent of our nation's principals consider education school to be "too detached from what went on at local elementary and high schools" and about half of them also say that education courses at both graduate and undergraduate schools "lacked academic rigor and were outdated, at times using materials decades older than the children whom teachers are now instructing."

Let's do a quick review at our current state of the America's schools:

Public schools in general are doing a less-than-stellar job of preparing students for colleges that do a less-than-stellar job of preparing (eduation) students for public schools.



Blogger Toothsayer said...

A vicious cycle.

3:42 AM  

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