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Thursday, April 07, 2005

Conneticut Prepares Lawsuit Against No Child Left Behind

I had no idea that a state can sue the Government for anything, let alone one of it's law. That's extremely cool (I hope this is a start of a trend).

An article from ABC New's website,, reported Conneticut is destined to be the first state to get of it's butt and challenge Bush's No Child Left Behind Act in a federal courtroom. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said that the state is suing the government for illegally and unconstitutionally forcing states to spend more than the government provides for test development and school reform programs.

In a U.S. Department of Education press release , the department's acting director of public affairs, DJ Nordquist, made a response to the lawsuit. Here's a small sample of what he said:

This is a sad day for students of Connecticut. Connecticut has received over $750 million in No Child Left Behind federal funds since the law was signed. Instead of addressing the issue at hand, the state has chosen to attack a law that is designed to assist the students most in need—and those whom these funds directly help.
Do you think that Connecticut has a shot at winning the suit?


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