Spellings Punishes PBS Kiddie Show for Showing Same-sex Relationships
"Pro-family" Americans rejoiced after Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings (We've been seeing a lot of her lately, haven't we, folks) sent a compliant in January to PBS of all stations, accusing them of (almost) showing indecent material. USA Today reported that Spellings was hopping mad at the station because one of its kiddie shows, Postcards from Buster planned to show an episode where Buster, a cartoon bunny who travels around the country with his pilot father and his trusty video camera to record his experience, visits Vermont and meets families with same-sex parents. As, you can imagine, the Spellings and many others did not want Buster have THAT kind of experience.
Spellings recieved a swarm of emails-about 200,000-after sending her letter. Around 81% of those emails took her side, said the Education Department. Most of the postive email came from the American Family Association, who applauded her for "[taking] a bold stand for your children."
Despite the fact that PBS agreed not the air the episode, which was suppose to air on March 23 (my birthday), she also took away the station's Ready to Learn grant-a grant that helps prepare preschoolers for school. As a result, WGBH was forced to lay off or reassign 10 Buster staffers. Postcards from Buster has not been cancelled. WGBH is doing everything in its power to keep the show going.
A moral victory for America or a horrific act of homophobia? YOU MAKE THE CALL!
What is wrong with this country?
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