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Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

I have a master's in journalism and I am highly unstable. But enough about me. How are you?

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Male Students Who Wear Skirts are A.O.K

No longer will the boys of Hasbrouck Heights School (in New Jersey) be oppressed for wearing the "wrong" article of clothing. Now, thanks to 17-year-old Michael Coviello, a senior who was brave enough to fight back against the school's dress code, which is strongly against students who wear shorts to school between October 1 and April 15.

To protest the rule, he wore a (hopefully very long) skirt to school. The faculty sent him home to change. According to a article, "The district's superintendent then advised the Coviello to purchase everyday dresses and skirts at a retail store, which Coviello did." The school even threatened to expel him if he continues with his protest.

But the American Civil Liberties Union came to Coviello's rescue and forced the school to let him wear his skirt.

Good for Coviello. There absolutely nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe in. I wish more adults would have the guts that this kid has.

Hasbrouck Heights a private school or something? What's the big deal about shorts?


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